18 Trainings • 3 Days • A Comprehensive Training

13th Annual International

Free to Play Logo

Unfortunately, the Summit is over and we would love to welcome you back next time!

Join the waitlist and you'll be one of the first to know when the next Free to Play Summit opens.

Parents and administrators don’t always get the power of play.

Spend three days with us, and leave with the toolkit you need to speak powerfully to the brain science and benefits of play and how play nurtures children’s self-regulation, socialization, and focus.

With these tools you can be the early childhood educator who makes a difference in children’s lives – no matter the circumstances.

It’s FREE, and the 3 days you spend will pay off for a lifetime.


What You’ll Learn

This is unlike any summit we have produced to date. It is a COMPLETE course in practical and actionable strategies for speaking to the power of play. There are three threads running throughout the summit’s trainings:

  • Brain

    Understanding the brain science

    It can feel daunting when parents and colleagues expect more traditional and academic ways of educating children. We are going to share some of the most incredible brain science that supports play as the ultimate way of educating young children.

  • Social

    Speaking to Children’s Social/Emotional Needs

    Traditional education strives to have quiet children sitting with eager ears for the teacher’s instructions. Sounds good but you and I know - it is a horrifying scene. In this summit, you will learn how to speak to the truth - learning is not quiet. In fact, it is deeply rooted in the children’s social and emotional development.

  • Outdoor

    Advocating for Movement in Learning

    Now, more than ever, we need our administrators to understand why children’s movement is so important. Outdoor play is critical to help children learn to self-regulate. Throughout this summit, we will be filling your toolkit and helping you advocate for more movement.


By the end of this summit, you will be able to speak to colleagues, parents, and administrators about:

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    How play develops the brain

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    Why movement is critical to brain development

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    What children need to self-regulate

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    Why is outdoor movement so important

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    What is happening in a child’s meltdown

And so much more.

Join tens of thousands of educators and parents who are championing play as the gold standard of education for young children.

You and I know play is the answer.

Join us in a complete training in the power of play to meet children’s most pressing needs.

“One of the best I have ever been a part of!”

"What a wealth of knowledge was shared over just 4 short days. Thanks to each of you for making this one of the best I have ever been a part of!"


“I am reminded of the importance of what I do.”

"I am reminded that what I do and the way I do it is so important. The research is out there and supports it. We must keep doing the good work for the sake of our children and our families."


“Highlights what is so often undervalued and forgotten.”

"Thank you, thank you, thank you many times over for the passion, inspiration and support in teaching from the heart with all the right knowledge in our back pockets! Thank you for highlighting what is so often undervalued and forgotten in a sector that should first and foremost be about connection, nurture and love for our tamariki (children). Thank you, Sally, and thank you to the amazing team behind the scenes for making this possible and free/ affordable for all! Again, thank you, from my heart to yours."


“One of the best advocates for children and play.”

“Sally you have created a wonderful forum for all of us who deeply care about children. The Free to Play Summit is a fantastic summit, which I look forward to every year. Your passion and enthusiasm for early childhood is making a difference. A wonderful person, with a great team. One of the best advocates for children and play. Long may the Free to Play Summit and Fairy Dust Teaching continue.”


“Amazing takeaways from excellent speakers!”

“Thank you! My first summit here and certainly not the last! Amazing take aways for me. The amount of excellent and appealing-to-me speakers during those 4 days was extremely high! You have created quite something here. Again: thank you.“


“Mind-bogglingly inspiring, with incredible speakers.”

“I have quite literally never seen or experienced anything like this summit. The work and care and thought and love you all put into every single detail is mind bogglingly inspiring. The speakers were absolutely incredible. Thank you thank you thank you!!”


The Free to Play Summit is for:

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    Preschool Teachers

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    Infant Toddler Educators

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    Home Educators

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    Head Start Teachers

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    Preschool Counselors

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    Grade School Teachers

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    Policy Makers

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    Parents of Young Children

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    Kindergarten Teachers

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    Child Psychologists

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    ECE Consultants

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    Child Care Educators

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    Anyone who loves children!


Meet Your Host

Hi, I’m Sally! 

It is incredible to be celebrating my 10th year of providing online professional development through summits and conferences for early childhood educators. 

That first conference surpassed what I thought was possible, and provided over 3000 attendees inspiration, strategies, and resources to take their teaching practice to the next level.

Every year my team and I curate our summit to meet your current needs and challenges. No two years are the same and our summits evolve as you do.

This year the summit has been crafted to bring you inspiration and actionable strategies to meet the challenges you are facing with children born since 2020. It is my deepest hope that we fuel your passion and fill your teaching toolkit.

Grab your ticket and join me and 20+ early childhood experts for a one-of-a-kind event that will help you bring more engagement and play to your classroom! 

“Groundbreaking journey to become the best version of myself.”

"What I took away from this Summit was togetherness, happiness, freshness, joining as one and, really, doing the fine-tuning to get the work done in a fun, enjoyable, exciting way for all. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of a groundbreaking journey and become the best version of myself."


“Above and beyond what I expected!”

"This was above and beyond what I expected and it was worth all of my extra time! Thank you so much for everything you all do and feel I was completely blessed by it all! Looking forward to the next one!"


“Has had a huge and wondrous impact on my heart!”

“Sally, you and your team truly inspire each of us that work in this field to try our hardest, to inspire others, to accept children for who they are, to love, laugh and play! Thank you again for the dedication, love and passion you bring! I truly am looking forward to next year’s summit . This was my first and I can't stop talking about it and crying at times. These sessions and the speakers spoke to our hearts. It has definitely had a huge and wondrous impact on my heart!”


“All of the speakers were Five Star.”

"This was a gift of love for educators. Every day was an evolution for me personally and as an educator. All of the speakers were Five Star with a depth of knowledge, love and commitment to give students and families their best. This was more than just a summit. It was a call to protect play because "Childhood Matters". Thank-you for this six day gift and I will share it with my students, families, colleagues and our school district in Boston."


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